The MX-5 Miata of the Month from

March 2007

Melvin Frosst and the Prodigal Miata


Congratulations to Melvin on the selection of his Prodigal Miata as the March Miata of the Month!

Hi all, I just wanted to tell you all the story of my Prodigal Miata. The story starts when I was a boy. I had wallpaper in my room that had racecars all over it. I fell in love with the open-mouthed MG's that were on it. Don't laugh too hard at the teddy bear! I also used to love the British sportscars cars in the Herbie the Lovebug movies that Herbie raced against. Anybody else who grew up in the 70's may remember them.

The story continues in 1989 when I glimpsed my first Miata here in Nova Scotia. I still remember the moment. It was white and I saw it on the George St. bridge in New Glasgow. I was in love again! I had to have one but I was still a university student and drove a $300 car at the time. When I finished university and got my first real job in May 1991, I continued to drool everytime I saw a Miata. The following spring, I drove by the Mazda dealer and saw a 1992 Sunburst Yellow, an actual Limited Edition here in Canada. After a week of price negotiation, I bought it on April 9, 1992. The top of the page has a picture of me standing beside the car on that day. There is still snow here in April. The following five years of driving and babying the car were bliss!

Fast forward to 1997 and a marriage and the purchase of the proverbial "big house". To decrease my debt load and student loan I was forced to sell my Miata. I only advertised in a paper two hours away as I couldn't bear to sell it to someone local and see her everyday. She sold quickly and I regretted it the minute I saw the new owner leave the driveway.

Every spring, I would lament to my wife how much I missed the Miata and said that I would have one again someday.

Fastforward again to November 2006 - nine years later. I was two hours away in Halifax and drove past the Mazda dealer. I saw a 1992 Sunburst Miata on the lot that looked like mine. I did a U-turn and pulled into the lot. Sure enough it was my actual car! My name was still on the papers in the dash. The second owner had traded it in on a 2006. The dealer had just installed a new roof and re-certified the car with new rubber, fluids, belts, etc. Nothing really had to be done to it. It had 140,000 km on it or about 90,000 miles.

I was not in the market for a new car. My wife and I had just purchased new Ninjas this summer. I had two children and one on the way. We were renovating the house. We already had two cars - albeit a Pontiac Montana minivan and a Hyundai Elantra.

I couldn't stop thinking about and talking about "my" Miata. I have the best wife in the world. After 2 weeks, she told me to go and buy it. I think I actually got steamed up signing the papers. I have included a couple of pictures from the dealer's website. Note the steering wheel with no airbag. Much sportier although certainly not as safe.

She is now sitting in my garage as per the last picture. That was the best Christmas ever. I am spending the winter detailing the car and can't wait for spring. The Prodigal Miata has returned home. She won't get away again. I promise you that! -Melvin Frosst

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