Moss Miata
The MX-5 Miata of the Month from

June 1998

Tina Blanchette
Leominster, Massachusetts

Congratulations to Tina on the selection of her Miata, as our June
Miata of the Month!

Getting It

9806_2.jpg (30100 bytes)Have you ever noticed that some people, you know the ones who don't own Miatas, just don't get it? I mean they really don't understand what we, the rest of the world, love and crave, driving our Mazda Miatas! Although, I think the makers of Ferris Bueller's Day Off understand, remember the "ohhh yeahhh Ferrari scene"?

I story will probably remind many other Miata owners of their own experiences. I'm 29 now (female, in case your wondering) and purchased my '93 Miata brand spanking new with only the options which I could afford, the secret to my success. I searched high and low, from Boothbay, Maine to Washington, D.C. I continuously told every salesman (most of whom showed me the radio!!!) that I only wanted the essentials, air conditioning, an alarm, the extended warranty and my pull out CD player. OH YEAH, AND IT HAD TO BE RED. OK, OK, some of you could argue about what I consider "essentials". My boss said that air conditioning in a convertible would be like a screen door in a submarine. Well, I can't be the only one that uses air conditioning in a I?

9806_3.jpg (19849 bytes)Anyway, I finally found my dream car and I convinced the sales team (for some reason, they were coming out of the wood work) that I would only purchase this Miata for $15,500. And I would drive away (from Massachusetts) to Washington, D.C. on Friday with or without one. BUT, I would return WITH one; the choice was theirs. They agreed with the addition of a $100 finder's fee. I agreed too. Hey after all, I'm only playing fair. Oh yeah, and when I picked it up, the salesman showed me the radio AGAIN.

Now back to those people who do and just don't get it. Take my Mom for example. She was one of those people who told me to "go for it". She told me that everyone should own a convertible at least once in their lives. Back in '57, she owned a convertible Ford Fairlane, white with a red interior, a 4 barrel carb and a dual exhaust. In her words, "Man, could that thing move!". And she's ready for another convertible. I hope she buys one soon; I like to see her smile.

9806_5.jpg (19754 bytes)My brother does get it. He is definitely a car and motorcycle enthusiast. When it's possible, he likes to buy the best. He has even considered the Miata; but, would make it a MONSTER MIATA. He's tried to talk me into that one. What he doesn't get is that I love my Miata just the way it is, even with 4 Blizzaks in the winter.

And then, there's a friendly police officer I know. I think he gets it; but, just doesn't want to let me on to him. He enjoys teasing me you see. "No, it doesn't fit in the elevator. No, it didn't come with my Nike sneakers. But, I told you it's NOT a shoebox. Oh, you're just jealous." What more can I say?

On one beautiful spring New England day, I once told some friends (who were inside watching TV) that I could never imagine owning anything other than a Miata, or anything with a roof for that matter. They just stared at me blankly and then returned their sights to the TV. They didn't get it. Tempted to sway them towards my opinion, I offered for anyone to take me up on an afternoon ride. They asked where I was going. They still didn't get it. Finally, too frustrated to convince them any further, I drove away in my sparkling MX-5 (top down, of course). At a stop light, some one yelled "nice car". I smiled and waved. I couldn't agree more!

9806_4.jpg (10248 bytes)It's almost paid for (7 payments left) and the service team (including Todd and Roger) at North End Mazda in Lunenburg, Massachusetts are too good to be true. I never want to sell. It's December now and I can't wait for that first warm day when my spirit will be renewed once again.

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